Thursday, March 26, 2009

The More things change the more they stay the same

As we wait on the dawn of the new Hockey season, WHA has done it again.

They put up a draw for the start of the season, and publicised it, then changed it, and then changed it again!
So now the first game for the farts this weekend is V Kapiti up at Paraparaumu.

New seaon, fisrt game, new turf!

Glens doing an ok job of orgnaising the team, heres his list so far (Good for a 5 aside game!)

The team so far is:
Dave L
Dave W (?)
Richard Manson (Umpire)

Not available:
Dave N

I'm not sure about:

In addition, Ash has offered the use of his holiday manor
"I will play and a general invite to everyone i have a place in Waikawa beach
no 6 sarah st 9km north of Otaki turn left at manakau and keep going until
you reach the river everyone welcome after the game i have some booze and
will put some food on the bbq"

Sunday, March 15, 2009

First round of games for the farts for 2009

Heres the draw for the first few weeks

Sun 29th March NHS1 3.45 V Rongatai
Sun 5th April Fraser Park 12.45 V Kapiti
Sun 19th April Elsdon 12.45 V Victoria
Sun 26th April Fraser 9.45am V Karori
Sun 10th May Fraser 5.15 V Indians
Sun 17th May Fraser 9.45am V Hutt

As I mentioned, I won't be there for the first game, so can you please let Glen know that you're playing , he will be in charge of this first game and will organise jerseys etc.

Yes Adrian, well try and get you the new socks as promised last year!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

And so another season begins sports fans......

Yes its true,
· America has their first black president
· Amy Winehouse is out of rehab, and back in again, and out, and in, and out...................
· Winston Peters has finally paid for his “ministerial’ car
· And the Old Farts are about to start a new campaign of world dominance on the wellington hockey turfs
The seasons will start on the weekend of 28th march. Great timing, it will still be warm, sunny and fine (yeah Right!). Glen will organise the team for the day (from the backline), as I will be in Melbourne, enjoying the wonders of the Aussie GP, you know, fast cars, loud engines, smell of rubber and fuel and lots of girls in little bikini’s!

To those who didn’t come to club day last weekend (and I wouldn’t know cause I couldn’t turn up) you can fill out an application form online

Yes I know it looks odd but believe me it is the online form!

Fees this year are $320 if you pay early (read on time!) by end of march and $360 if you pay late (any time after that!). If you have any queries drop Craig a line

Craig will ensure you get an invoice promptly, and also let you know acct details for direct transfer etc.

Technology marches on, as does time (and some of our teams waist lines!), so I’ve tried to move the Farts along with it. This year, as well as the bombardment of emails and txts we have added a blog to our Tele communications network.

You can find the farts on the web at . there a posting of this email , and a back ground bio, also managed to get a pic up there. I’ll update this each week, and add pics etc.
All you have to do is go to the site, subscribe and then enjoy the experience ! let’s give it a try, it even gives you a chance to comment etc.

Final note, but most of you thought Murray was having a baby (well he does look it doesn’t he!), actually Maureen is, and due to give birth in the next few weeks, I’ll keep you posted if I hear news.
