2011, what will you bring, a new level of gas for the farts?? I have spent a little time thinking about this year and what it has in store for me as a member of the Naenae Hockey Club.
I had to reflect on 2010 and what a year it was for me. I can easily say that I loved the year, it was made brilliant by the camaraderie, ripe oranges, constant support (I always managed to score a couple of hot chips from Craigs girls!!).
The blog was brilliant and is still in my online favourites bar at work. I anticipate the quality of journalism that is to continue on this year.
2010 for me was a year that I had one personal goal in hockey, as a recovering umpire taunt-aholic I knew that I had to learn to spend less time off of the field as decided by umpires. As a new Dad I wanted to learn to be something new, responsible.
I had a good season card wise. Only being binned once throughout the season for what I definitely still deem to be a legitimate shoulder first tackle. Although there were no arms, the player wasn't lifted above horizontal.
That aside I had a huge blemish in the final for discussing a point with Vaudin…. Yellow number two.
2011 has a new set of goals…… best way to word it?? I had a look over last years blogg and picked out an amazing piece of writing which helped me decide my goal…..
Most Memorable sporting moment
We’ve asked a couple of the players to join us in the Caretakers room this morning for a quick chat about the most memorable moment in their hockey career so far
Firstly Cambo – “well it actually was last week in the semi final. I got the ball somewhere near our 16, dribbled all the way to the oppositions goal line drawing the goalie, and then passed the ball to trapper, he missed the open goal, but, I “passed” the ball, i mean, i actually passed the ball. It’s something I’ve wanted to do all my life, the Everest of my hockey career, I’ve been visualising that moment since i got my first pair of long trousers” !"- Trapper,http://oldfartshockey.
Ok, Passing, 2011. Here we come. I spoke to my psychiatrist who has already prescribed me with a strong dose of Clonazopam to take before and at half time during games. This should help the nervous twitches that cause me to want to shoot.
The second is conversion rates…..
"Cam was his usual self, all over the place, in attack and defence, except his conversion rate was poor, 2 goals from 19 shots!"- Trapper, http://oldfartshockey.
For me to achieve the lofty heights of passing and conversion rates I feel I need to move out from the apron strings of the Farts. You have nurtured me and shown me the way of the woo. I had such quality ball all season, given ample opportunities to grow and I feel that I need to move onwards to a new grade.
I think you new it already from the media reports last year:
Much like any media rumours, they turn out to be true. Look at Shurley (Warnie and Liz Hurley…)it might be the urine coloured hair or his tricky fingers but the ladies keep coming……. (no pun intended). Here was the report….
Late Breaking news
Cambo has been cited by the FCA (Farts Complaint Authority) , last night after the game he was see drinking with the Young Guns, and and its alleged that he was trading team secrets for drinks. Farts management has evidence he had shared secrets such as “Trapper can’t Trap”, “Nuts can’t run” and promising that in the final next week “he wouldn’t pass”. The FCA will have to decide the severity of these allegations and any suitable recourse.
This year I want to play for Naenae's top mens grade. Although they are the 'top' grade it doesn't mean that they are the best…. Not yet anyway. I want to contribute to a club that has a good group going and do what I can to get them back up the grades. I felt out of place a bit last year, most of the team had been through hip replacements, triple by-passes, strokes (explains rearends speech) and alcoholism (or in NZ terms, "social drinking/oranges").
I thank you guys for an awesome year, and I will definitely be around to support the team this year. In fact, when I trial for the top team and they say they don't want me I will probably be back with my tail between my legs begging for a chance to be orange boy!!